S4PST is part of the software stewardship organizations (SSOs) selected by the US Department of Energy (DOE) Advanced Scientific Computing Research (ASCR) to advance the next generation of scientific software technologies (NGSST). We are also members of CASS: the Consortium for the Advancement of Scientific Software.
“A portfolio of ever evolving Programming Systems and Tools that will be accessible, stewarded and advanced for the US Department of Energy and the broader scientific community.”
“To deliver an impactful portfolio for the next generation of advanced programming systems and tools ecosystem stewarded by a highly-specialized community of experts for accessible science driven by AI to fulfill DOE’s mission of national security and prosperity.”
S4PST’s goal is to enable the stewardship and advancement of an evolving high-performance computing (HPC) software portfolio of next-generation programming systems and tools in the critical path of DOE’s ASCR scientific discovery mission. We aim to deliver and explore robust, trustworthy capabilities through a thriving community of highly-specialized individuals – the stewards – invested in addressing the challenges of programmability ion HPC and the convergence of AI (e.g. Large Language Models - LLMs) and heterogeneous computing (e.g. GPUs and AI accelerated hardware) for science. We collaborate across different parts of the DOE to maximize the impact of our portfolio. We also engage with the broader community to ensure that our efforts are aligned with the scientific needs at large.
Funded Critical Products:
- OpenMP/OpenACC Leads: Sunita Chandrasekaran, University of Delaware; Swaroop Pophale, Seyong Lee, Oak Ridge National Laboratory
- LLVM Leads: Johannes Doerfert Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory; Joel E. Denny Oak Ridge National Laboratory
- Kokkos Leads: Christian Trott, Sandia National Laboratory; Damien T Lebrun-Grandie Oak Ridge National Laboratory
- Fortran Lead: Damian Rouson, Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory
- Legion Leads: Alex Aiken SLAC National Accelerator Laboratory; Pat McCormick Los Alamos National Laboratory
- OpenMPI Lead: Thomas Naughton Oak Ridge National Laboratory
- MPICH Leads: Yanfei Guo, Hui Zhou, Rajeev Thakur, Argonne National Laboratory
- UPC++/GASNet Lead: Paul H. Hargrove Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory
Funded Incubation Projects:
- Differentiable Programming Lead: Michael Schanen Argonne National Laboratory
- Kokkos AI Integration Lead: Sivasankaran Rajamanickam Sandia National Laboratory
- LLMs for HPC Lead: Pedro Valero-Lara Oak Ridge National Laboratory
- High-level HPC and AI programming Leads: Alan Edelman, Julian Samaroo, Rabab Alomairy, Valentin Churavy, Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Johannes Blaschke Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory, NERSC
Unfunded Collaborations:
- HIP Lead: Brice Videau, Argonne National Laboratory
- SYCL Lead: Thomas Applencourt, Argonne National Laboratory
In addition, S4PST is a sponsor of the CASS community and the HPC Workforce Development and Retention HPC-WDR initiative. We advocate for the development of the future workforce in HPC through mentoring, training, and community building. Our members are also active in engaging with the broader scientific community through standards, conferences, and workshops.
Contact information
Keita Teranishi Principal Investigator, Oak Ridge National Laboratory, USA. teranishik@ornl.gov
Pedro Valero-Lara co-Investigator, Oak Ridge National Laboratory, USA. valerolarap@ornl.gov
William F. Godoy co-Investigator, Oak Ridge National Laboratory, USA. godoywf@ornl.gov
Website created by Kita D Cranfill, Oak Ridge National Laboratory, USA, cranfillkd@ornl.gov