The newly formed Consortium for the Advancement of Scientific Software (CASS) has its first virtual Birds-of-a-Feather (BoF) days on July 11-12. The event is hosted by the Partnering for Scientific Software Ecosystem Stewardship, PESO, project. The event website can be found at

S4PST projects contributed and sponsored, along with other CASS members, in several sessions:

  • Introducing CASS: The Consortium for the Advancement of Scientific Software
  • Exploring the Landscape of AI and ML in Compiler Development: Pros and Cons
  • Differentiable and Portable Programming for Science
  • Building an Inclusive and Productive Community from Many Organizations to Support Software Stewardship
  • Kokkos Ecosystem - State of the Union
  • MPICH: A High-Performance Open Source MPI Library for Leadership-class HPC Systems