Spring Newsletter
We summarize the latest news and updates from the S4PST community from this past summer, January-May 2025. The work reported is partially funded by S4PST in collaboration with other stakeholders and showcases the impact of the activities around the software portfolio. Highlights include new publications, major software improvements, events related to software, and awards.
Major Software Improvements
Events, Activities, and Outreach
Tutorial ``Julia for HPC’’ 2-day in-person tutorial offered as part of Los Alamos National Laboratory (LANL) HPC training program in collaboration with ASCR facilities OLCF, NERSC. ORNL: William F Godoy, Philip Fackler; NERSC: Johannes Blashke; LANL: Patrick Diehl.
SC25 Reproducibility Challenge S4PST members, William F Godoy (chair) and Pedro Valero-Lara are part of the SC25 Reproducibility Challenge Committee.